When starting a diet or managing our weight we often think of carbs and sugar in breads, treats, and candy but often overlook the smaller things.....condiments! Many condiments are unhealthy and have tons of fat, sodium and sugar. These should be left alone or eaten in smaller amounts.

Here are some condiments that you may want to steer clear of, to maintain your healthy eating:
1.) Mayo: Loaded with vegetable oils and high calories.
2.) Ketchup: A lot of sugar & artificial additives.
3.) BBQ Sauce: Is almost half brown sugar and half ketchup (see above)
4.) Ranch: Made with mayo, sour cream & more additives.
5.) Tartar Sauce: The fat alone is too much to bear.
6.) Soy Sauce: Loaded with far too much sodium.
7.) Honey Mustard: GMO central. Unhealthy oils like canola & soy.
8.) Relish: The trifecta here; Sugar, artificial coloring, and ingredients.
9.) Agave Nectar: High in fructose.
Take some time in the condiment isle of your local grocery store. Now a days there are some much healthier options to choose from. Check out the Nutrition Facts of your favorite condiments and compare to others. You might be surprised by what you find!
For more tips and advice you can schedule a Nutrition Consult with Dr. Tucker.
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Chiropractic Wellness Center | 618 N Sullivan Rd #21, Spokane Valley WA | 509-926-7789